My Quotes

Quotes to live by and thought-provoking.


“When the whole cosmos is in the state of motion since its inception,

how can you and I be in a state of inertia”

-Mehak Khajuria


“Dear Happiness & Sadness,

This too shall pass.


The Soul.”

-Mehak Khajuria


“A mind can eventuate into a monster if not tamed”

-Mehak Khajuria


“Realization of your insignificance is a path to magnificence”

-Mehak Khajuria


“I’ve an uncanny affinity for nature, especially the trees.

Now I know why, as per the cosmos the tree and I are distant cousins.

Sounds perennial, doesn’t it?”

-Mehak Khajuria


Innocence is the most powerful weapon to unleash truth from the piles of lie”

-Mehak Khajuria


“Global warming is a downbeat warning sign by nature to us humans in order to mend our ways.

Ironically the very same ones who yet smoke a cigarette whose very own package says in bold that ‘Smoking kills’ “

-Mehak Khajuria